Bronze Package
99£Ogni mese- 1 post per week on up to 2 platforms
- Forwarding of users' messages once a week
- Replying to users' messages once a week
- Personalised strategy
- Competitor analysis
- Hashtags research
- FREE accounts set up
- Most Popular
Gold Package
699£Ogni mese- 5 posts per week on up to 4 platforms
- Forwarding of users' messages 5 times a week
- Replying to users's messages 5 times a week
- Forwarding of users' comments 5 times a week
- Replying to users' comments 5 times a week
- Personalised strategy
- Competitor analysis
- Hashtags research
- FREE accounts set up
Silver Package
399£Ogni mese- 3 posts per week on up to 3 platforms
- Forwarding of users' messages 3 times a week
- Replying to users' messages 3 times a week
- Personalised strategy
- Competitor analysis
- Hashtags research
- FREE accounts set up
All of our subscriptions are automatically renewed unless cancelled. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Please notify us more than 14 days before your next billing date if you wish to cancel, in order to avoid any further charges.
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Collaboriamo anche con creatori di siti web, fotografi, esperti di SEO e Google Ads e molti altri professionisti del settore!
Comunicaci semplicemente le tue esigenze e i tuoi obiettivi e ci occuperemo noi del tuo marketing a 360°!